Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hot Dogs Equal Cigarettes, Says Doctor's Group
First Posted: 7/28/11 10:19 AM ET Updated: 7/28/11 09:42 PM ET

A provocative new billboard outside the Indianapolis Speedway—home of the Indy 500—claims that hot dogs are just as bad as cigarettes when it comes to health effects. The Physician's Committee For Responsible Medicine, the group sponsoring the billboard, cites as justification for the billboard a study linking once-a-day hot dog consumption to a 22% increase in colorectal cancer.

Northern Virginia magazine noted that the group is closely affiliated with alternative medicine and veganism, casting doubt on its reputability. But it's hard to imagine the statement "you shouldn't eat a hot dog every day of your life" is all that controversial.


If this is true, then it goes the same for all foods loaded with preservatives. But it can't be as bad as cigarettes.

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