Thursday, April 7, 2011


Are You an ADHD Adult?
It’s Not Just a Kids' Disorder
By Edward C. Geehr, M.D., Lifescript Chief Medical Officer
Published April 03, 2011

Got the lunches made. Oops, forgot to let the dog out. Need to pick up the dry cleaning. Anyone seen my keys? If these scatterbrained thoughts are a part of your everyday life, you may be one of the estimated 6-15 million adults with ADHD.

Your inattention and restlessness may not just be your quirky personality. You could have ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), a behavioral disorder that's mostly associated with unruly children. In fact, about 65% of children with ADHD carry the disorder into adulthood, making it an adult problem too.

Although ADHD adults may have better coping skills than they had as children, it's still a struggle to get through the day. Not only does ADHD interfere with organizing and completing daily tasks, but adults with the disorder are also prone to depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, even an increased risk of divorce and car accidents.

Even simple duties may demand great concentration and effort. In part, that’s because ADHD adults are easily distracted by sound, sight or touch. Whatever the stimulus, they're often knocked off course by even minor distractions.

Symptoms of ADHD

The three main symptoms of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.

The symptoms of inattention include:

    Losing track of thoughts or focus in the middle of tasks

    Missing details or making careless mistakes

    Inability to complete work assignments


    Difficulty following instructions


I am such a busybody I thought I might have ADHD.  This article confirms I'm simply hyperactive.  My focus is great.  I hardly miss details.  I complete work assignments and can still follow instructions to the letter.  I can't remember some names and dates but I doubt I can be called forgetful. 

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