Thursday, September 15, 2011

366 Million Diabetics: A Sickness and Health Warning published an article recently that reported a staggering figure of 366 million diabetics worldwide.  The figure is not only staggering .  It is also disturbing. 

Diabetes is known to cause the death of a person every 7 seconds.  That's scary.  But what is scarier is that majority of those who have the disease have Type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is not hereditary.  It's caused by unhealthy lifestyle: poor diet, no exercise, excessive weight, smoking and drinking. These are lifestyles that are very much within our control.  And, yet they continue to lead to a deadly disease.

4.6 million diabetic deaths every year - and we will add up to that statistic if we don't change the way we live.

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