Sunday, March 20, 2011



from the article "How to Avoid an Allergy Attack"

Don’t Let the High Pollen Count Bring On Seasonal Symptoms
By Leigh Leveen, Special to Lifescript
Published March 18, 2011

The weather’s warming, blooms are bursting – and you couldn’t be more miserable. Find out how to stop sniffling and sneezing this allergy season…

It starts with a runny nose, watery eyes and a tickle in the back of your throat. At its worst, you may feel as if you’ll never stop sneezing.

If this happens every year, you have seasonal allergic rhinitis – otherwise known as hay fever.

It strikes when plants release pollen, usually in spring. When you breathe it in, your immune system thinks it’s being attacked, so it releases chemicals called histamines to fight the invaders. Instead, you wind up sneezy, watery and itchy.

More than 50 million Americans have some type of allergy, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI). If you’re one of them, here’s how to stay healthy when pollen count is high:

Allergy Attack Risk Factors

The severity of allergy symptoms depends on season, weather and even your menstrual cycle. Being aware of these factors can help avoid attacks, experts say. Consider:

Time of year: Generally, pollen season lasts from February or March through October. The farther south you live, the earlier pollen – and allergy – season hits, according to the AAAAI.

In warmer places, it can be year-round.

Ragweed, the plant that causes the strongest seasonal symptoms, is most active at the end of summer – so that’s the worst time for nature hikes.

The weather: Shifts in climate can trigger allergies, says Gary Rachelefsky, M.D., professor of allergy and immunology at the Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA).

“Changes in barometric pressure – a drop in humidity and hot air – can worsen symptoms,” he says. “Even moving in and out of air-conditioned rooms can aggravate someone who is sensitive.”

Windy days can be the worst, says Vincent Tubiolo, M.D., an allergy specialist in Santa Barbara, Calif. Breezes carry pollen through the air that you breathe.

Rain washes away some pollen, and may improve things temporarily, he adds. But don’t be complacent; shortly after a rain shower, pollen count rises even higher than before.

Your time of the month: Believe it or not, allergy symptoms can be linked to your monthly cycle.

“Rising and falling hormone levels can affect allergies,” Rachelefsky says.

Over-the-counter allergy medications can help when symptoms arise, he adds. Write down when this happens, so you can predict when to avoid outside activity in the future.

Pregnant or trying to conceive? Many over-the-counter allergy relief medications are safe to take – but consult your doctor first, Rachelefsky cautions.

Other substances: If environmental allergens such as dust mites, pet dander and mold bother you, they could also worsen your seasonal pollen symptoms, says allergist Anne K. Ellis, M.D., director of the Environmental Exposure Unit at Kingston General Hospital in Ontario, Canada.

This phenomenon is called “priming.” Your body’s defenses are already lowered, so it’s harder to fight off new seasonal allergies.

Eliminating or minimizing exposure to these substances helps reduce the risk of an allergy attack. If you’re allergic to pet dander, for example, don’t let “Mr. Tinkles” sleep with you. If dust mites are a problem, clean frequently and use allergy-proof bedding.


rhinitis, hay fever, allergies - whatever name you attach to it - can be very uncomfortable.  2 kids in the family seem to be suffering from this and it's a cosntant challenge to keep the allergies at bay.  if you or any member of your family are in the same boat, watch out for the next blog.  it will discuss pointers on how to avoid allergies.

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